
2002 Paris, France, 2. GA

18 10 2002

18.10.2002 The second UEAA General Assambly New elected UEAA President: Prof. Jean-Marc BOUSSARD, President of the French Academy of Agriculture Friday October 18th, 2002 Special session (At the occasion of the general assembly of the Union of European Academies of Agriculture) Reconciling Science, Public and Agriculture Agenda 14:30: Introduction, by Jean-Marc Boussard, fellow of the […]


The second UEAA General Assambly
New elected UEAA President: Prof. Jean-Marc BOUSSARD, President of the French Academy of Agriculture
Friday October 18th, 2002
Special session
(At the occasion of the general assembly of the Union of European Academies of Agriculture)
Reconciling Science, Public and Agriculture


14:30: Introduction, by Jean-Marc Boussard, fellow of the Academy
14:45: A sociological vision, by Claire Marris, chargée de recherche, INRA
15:30:GMO : A case study in welcome of an innovation, by André Cauderon, secrétaire perpétuel honoraire of the Academy
16:15: Managing research within medias turbulences, by Guy Paillotin, President of the National Agronomic Institute of Paris Grignon, former president of INRA.
17:00: General discussion (with the participation of the European academies delegates)
17:45: Conclusions, by Michel Griffon, correspondant de l’Académie, director of scientific affairs in CIRAD.

Académie d’Agriculture de France Agriculture – Food – Environment 18, rue de Bellechasse, 75007 Paris Tel: 33 + 1 47 05 10 37 Fax: 33 + 1 45 55 09 78www.inra.fr/AAF/index.htm