Estonia – Estonian Academy of Sciences
02 11 2016
Founded in 1938, the Estonian Academy of Sciences fosters frontier science, research excellence and competitiveness in Estonia while also representing Estonian science worldwide, e.g. in international organisations such as ICSU, UAI, ALLEA, EASAC, European Marine Board, CETAF, etc. It focuses on providing independent, highly professional scientific expertise and science-policy advice and strives to increase the visibility and impact of science in society.
The Academy organises public academic lectures and scientific conferences; confers awards, monetary prizes, memorial medals; acts as an umbrella organisation for various non-governmental councils, committees, associated scientific societies and national contact points. It supports research cooperation and mobility: operates a scientific exchange programme built on 32 bilateral agreements with partner academies, serves as an EURAXESS Bridgehead Organisation and an academic partner for Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings.
The Estonian Academy of Sciences is organised into four divisions: astronomy and physics; informatics and engineering; biology, geology and chemistry; humanities and social sciences. Number of members as of 1st April 2016: 78 plus 21 foreign members. Publications include the Year Book (also in English), two series of books in Estonian: National Prizes and Scientific Thought in Estonia, seven internationally peer-reviewed scientific journals, etc. Electronic versions are available at www.akadeemia.ee.