The proposals to the members of the Union of European agricultural academies for the promotion of scientific research at the Institute of irrigated agriculture NAAS
06 03 2017
At the Institute of irrigated agriculture NAAS of the developed system of agriculture, which take into account climatic, agro-technological and ecological-economic conditions. Large-scale introduction of such systems in production allows to obtain high economic effect and to reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment. Through the work of the NAAS with the Union of European […]
At the Institute of irrigated agriculture NAAS of the developed system of agriculture, which take into account climatic, agro-technological and ecological-economic conditions. Large-scale introduction of such systems in production allows to obtain high economic effect and to reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment.
Through the work of the NAAS with the Union of European Agrarian Academy Institute of irrigated agriculture offers:
- Cooperation for the development of new, adapted to the arid conditions in the zones, systems of irrigated agriculture on the basis of rational use of natural resources, preservation of soil fertility and the environment.
- Joint research on the use of the latest irrigation equipment and new irrigation methods.
- The development of technologies and exchange of experience in the field of irrigation (sprinkler irrigation and drip irrigation), crop production, plant breeding and primary seed growing, fertilizers and plant protection under irrigation.
- The development of modern energy-, water – and resource-saving technologies of cultivation of agricultural crops, designed to increase productivity and maximum use of bioclimatic potential of the area.
- The use of tillage bodies with different design of the working bodies. Exploring new soil treatment methods using the latest technology.
In particular, the Institute offers the following development:
1. Environmental strain testing of crops of intensive type using the latest irrigation technologies.
At the Institute of irrigated agriculture NAAS of Ukraine developed the modern technology of intensive cultivation of new varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops in conditions of sufficient moisture, is able to provide grain yield: winter wheat – 9-12 t/ha, corn – 18-20 t/ha, soybean – 4,5-5 t/ha, alfalfa – to-17-20 t/ha of dry substances, potatoes – 40-50 t/ha, tomato – 120-150 t/ha, hay of perennial cereal grasses – 17-19 t/ha, cotton – 6-7 t/ha, sunflower – 5-5,5 t/ha, sugar beet – 95 – 100 t/ha.
This requires laying the experimental plot not less than 10 varieties (hybrids) of each of the above when using three irrigation methods (sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, subsurface irrigation). Will be held to select the most successful varieties and hybrids of crops the selection of the optimal method of irrigation, introduction of project results into production. The result will be improved productivity of agricultural crops in France and Ukraine, ways of solving the food problem.
The Institute of irrigated agriculture NAAS has successful experience of foreign trade. Varieties of soft winter wheat breeding Institute held by the state in Turkey and proved to be the most adapted to their agro-climatic conditions. According to the results of variety trials cultivar Maria was included into the state register of varieties of Turkey. In 2015 between the Institute and the company “Semila Seed” international signed a contract on supply of 20 tons of seeds of winter wheat varieties in Mary Turkey. In addition, according to the signed agreements of the company, “Semila Seed” sent to be tested in southern and climatic conditions of Turkey samples have 5 varieties of soft winter wheat, 3-corn hybrids and 3 varieties of alfalfa.
2. The technology of growing two or three crops of grain, leguminous and cereal crops per year with productivity to 20 t/ha of high quality grain
The results of the surveys provide the most complete use of heat and water resources vegetation period with getting balanced for protein, grains for agro-ecological zone with a growing period of agricultural crops, with an average daily temperature above 10 ° C with a duration of about 270 days with the amount of positive temperatures of more than 3,600 ºC. This duration of the vegetation period with a significant flow of heat allows to obtain two harvests a year of grains, leguminous and cereal crops. This allows to significantly increase the productivity of arable land and to obtain large profits. The crops which are sown in summer, characterized by high temperatures and high humidity should have increased resistance to pathogens, otherwise you need to use the highly effective fungicides. The widespread use of the proposed technology of biologically active substances and the partial replacement of pesticides agronomic techniques and biological protection will allow 20-40% reduction in dose of application of fertilizers and pesticides and by 15-20%. This will solve a number of environmental problems associated with the cultivation of grain, leguminous and cereal crops and allows to obtain ecologically safe products.
The productivity of 1 hectare of arable land in this usage may be up to 20 t/ha of high quality grain. Such technologies use of arable land developed at the Institute of irrigated agriculture NAAS.
3. Getting the seed potatoes in two productive culture based on the recovered starting material by biotechnological methods.
At the Institute of irrigated agriculture developed a technology for producing high quality seed potatoes on the basis of the recovered viruses from the source material using clonal microreproduction of different methodological techniques – culture apical meristem, organs in vitro thermo – and chemotherapy treatments; two productive culture in further field reproduction.
The world has witnessed significant and steady increase in potato production. The use of seed of high quality is one of the decisive factors in the development of the potato industry. It is therefore particularly important to use for getting seed potato unique combination of biotechnological methods of improvement and two productive culture. The use of culture of meristems and organs in vitro and a method two productive culture with the aim of reducing the seed production process minimizes the risk of re-infection of viral diseases, reduce the negative influence of climatic factors on the process of degeneration of potatoes and, as a consequence, contributes to the preservation of quality and health of seed material.
4. A method of improving soil fertility when used in the structure of sown areas of adapted varieties of alfalfa inoculated with new races of nodule bacteria.
Developed at the Institute of technology provides for the improvement of soil fertility and obtaining a balanced protein feed for livestock.
To increase the fertility of soils and reducing degradation should be a significant extension of the cultivated area on degraded lands, high yielding varieties of alfalfa, which seeds new races inoculated with nodule bacteria. Under natural conditions, legume plants use only 10-30% of their nitrogen-fixing capacity. The inoculation of efficient strains of breeding a new generation of nodule bacteria increases this figure to 60-70% and the rest is used for optimization of conditions for the functioning of the symbiosis of alfalfa and rhizobia bacteria.
Institute of irrigated agriculture of NAAS
Ukraine, 73483, Kherson, sel. Naddnipryanske
tel. (0552) 361-196; fax (0552) 362-440
e-mail: izz.ua@ukr.net
Website: www.izpr.org.ua
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