
News from Italy : Accademia dei Georgofili’s Opening Ceremony of the 264th Academic Year

07 04 2017

After the Mayor’s greetings and the President’s report,  Mr. Phil Hogan, European Commissioner of Agriculture and Rural Development has delivered a speech. During the Ceremony, diplomas have been delivered to new Ordinary and Corresponding Foreign, Emeritus ad Honorary Members; the “Antico Fattore” Prize and “Prosperitati Publicae Augendae” Prize were also awarded to winners. (http://www.georgofili.it/detail.asp?IDN=1654).

After the Mayor’s greetings and the President’s report,  Mr. Phil Hogan, European Commissioner of Agriculture and Rural Development has delivered a speech. During the Ceremony, diplomas have been delivered to new Ordinary and Corresponding Foreign, Emeritus ad Honorary Members; the “Antico Fattore” Prize and “Prosperitati Publicae Augendae” Prize were also awarded to winners. (http://www.georgofili.it/detail.asp?IDN=1654).