Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (LAAFS) participated in International Conference ERA NET Project Sumforest in Barcelona
20 10 2017
On October 19 the LLMZA President prof. Baiba Rivža participated in International Conference ERA NET project Sumforest in Barsalona ‘’Bridging research, policy and practice for sustainable forest management’’. Prof. B. Rivža participated in the Strategic working group SCAR on the future of research and innovation in the forestry sector. Image:
On October 19 the LLMZA President prof. Baiba Rivža participated in International Conference ERA NET project Sumforest in Barsalona ‘’Bridging research, policy and practice for sustainable forest management’’. Prof. B. Rivža participated in the Strategic working group SCAR on the future of research and innovation in the forestry sector.