
An important message from the Accademia dei Georgofili – Florence, Italy

23 03 2018

Dear UEAA Members, This to inform you that for several reasons, including the great loss of our President Professore Giampiero Maracchi, we intend to postpone the 2018 UEAA Meeting in Florence next October. Soon, I will inform you all about the date and the program. Warm regards, Professore A Michele Stanca Vice President of Accademia […]

Dear UEAA Members,
This to inform you that for several reasons, including the great loss of our President Professore Giampiero Maracchi, we intend to postpone the 2018 UEAA Meeting in Florence next October.
Soon, I will inform you all about the date and the program.
Warm regards,
Professore A Michele Stanca
Vice President of Accademia dei Georgofili
Acting Vice President of the UEAA.

M Stanca