
Invitation to the X General Assembly (GA) of The Union of European Academies for Science applied to agriculture, food and nature (ueaa) and scientific colloquium

04 10 2018

November 22nd 11.00 – Steering Committee meeting (for Steering Committee members only) 14.00 – General Assembly meeting and Scientific Symposium Welcome address by President of Accademia dei Georgofili M. Vincenzini Tribute to G. Maracchi Opening Ceremony by the UEAA President, M. Thibier Part A. Administrative part: Election of the New President, Vice President and Steering […]

November 22nd

11.00 – Steering Committee meeting (for Steering Committee members only)

14.00 – General Assembly meeting and Scientific Symposium
Welcome address by President of Accademia dei Georgofili M. Vincenzini
Tribute to G. Maracchi
Opening Ceremony by the UEAA President, M. Thibier

Part A. Administrative part:
Election of the New President, Vice President and Steering Committee under the chairmanship of M. Thibier

15.00 – Part B.Agricultural Education what will be the needs in terms of education for the farmers in 2030?” – Chairman A.M. Stanca

  • First speaker J.P. Bastié
  • The dissemination of Science and Innovative Technologies to farmers in Italy – A.M. Stanca
  • The role of EU in the dissemination for farmers – M. Pasca-Raymondo et al.
  • Presentations by single Country representatives

18.30 – End of the afternoon meeeting


9.00 – Continuation of the presentations by single Ccountry representatives – Chairman M. Bindi

12.00 – Conclusion and perspectives – M. Bindi

12.15 – Steering Committee meeting (only for Steering Committee members)

13.30 – End the UEAA meeting

pdf Registration form – Deadline: 29 October 2018 (PDF, 437 kB)