
The U E A A 2019 Steering Committee meeting was held in Prague, 6th and 7th December 2019

07 12 2019

Prague, 6th and 7th December 2019

Unfortunately due to the sad decease of the President Professor M Stanca a few weeks after the meeting, there has been no minutes edited. Here is only available the Agenda of that meeting which was physically held in Prague.


Day 1

  1. Welcome address and call to order
  2. Approval of the Agenda
  3. Approval of the minutes of the Steering Committee meeting in Florence, 23 November 2018.
  4. Lecture by Baiba

Coffee break

  1. Organization of the 2020 General Assembly and steering committee meeting
  2. Checking of the mailing list of all Members and future updating
  3. Location
  4. Topic
  5. Dates


Day 2

  1. Report of the Education Commission of the UEAA and tentative program for 2020
  2. The status of the UEAA web site
  3. Planning of action for 2020 up to the General Assembly

Coffee Break

  • Status about new Academies and/or associates since the 2019 meeting to contact
  1. Discussion about suggestions of names for the Vice President in 2020
  2. Putative contact with the Brussels commission: objectives ??
  3. Other business
  4. Adjournment