Webinar on “The major threat to the worldwide Pig industry : The African Swine Fever” on the 3 February 2021, 14:30-17:00
21 01 2021
An interesting webinar on African Swine Fever is organized by both French Academies : Académie d’Agriculture de France and Académie Vétérinaire de France. Summary of this webinar is reported in the here below note. This webinar is now open for registrations: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TV8Gbe6PR0yEImi-gCEV_w To get more information, click on the here below link: https://www.academie-agriculture.fr/actualites/academie/seance/academie/limpact-de-la-peste-porcine-africaine-sur-lelevage-porcin-dans Summary of […]
An interesting webinar on African Swine Fever is organized by both French Academies : Académie d’Agriculture de France and Académie Vétérinaire de France. Summary of this webinar is reported in the here below note. This webinar is now open for registrations:
To get more information, click on the here below link:
Summary of the Webinar on African Swine Fever from both French Academies : Académie d’Agriculture de France and Académie Vétérinaire de France
African Swine Fever is a severe viral disease affecting domestic and wild pigs and is responsible for serious production and economic losses. It is not a zoonosis.
Since more than 10 years, a new episode of African Swine Fever has spread widely across Europe and Asia. This disease is present in Russia and Ukraine. Outbreaks have occurred in Germany and even in Belgium.
The most dramatic situation is in China where millions of pigs have been lost, with huge impacts on domestic production and then on global production and trade.
The virus, the cause of this disease, is resistant and spreads easily. No vaccine is known despite numerous and diversified research. Research on Gene Editing for preventing this disease is currently under investigation.
The French Academy of Agriculture and Veterinary Academy offer a public session on that issue on Wednesday, February 3.
French Academy of Agriculture and Académie Vétérinaire de France