
XII. General Assembly of the UEAA, of the Steering Committee and of the related Scientific Symposium

26 09 2024

Bucharest, October 10 – 11, 2024

During October 10-11, 2024, the “Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti” Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences from Romania (AAFS) will be the host of the 12th General Assembly of the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA), of the Steering Committee and the associated Symposium with the theme “New research techniques and the agricultural progress“, an event of major importance in the life of UEAA member academies organized in a hybrid format. The program also includes a visit to one of the representative research units in the AAFS network.

It is the second time that AAFS organizes this event. Thus, in 2006, the 4th UEAA General Assembly took place, when acad. Cristian HERA (former president and current honorary president of AAFS) took over the presidency, and acad. Baiba RIVZA, from Latvia, ensured the vice-presidency. The works of great scientific value presented at the Symposium associated to the General Assembly were published in the volume “Soil fertility and the future of agriculture in Europe – Proceeding of the International Workshop associated to the 4th UEAA General Assembly“, Bucharest, 25-27 June 2006, The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy.

At the events of October 10-11, 2024, in Bucharest, prominent personalities of the European agricultural academic environment, and also of some European Academies of science with concerns in the field of agriculture, expressed their interest to participate in-person, mentioning: Kerstin NIBLAEUS and Per ERIKSSON from Sweden; Michel THIBIER and Michel DUCLOS France; Acad. Zenonas DABKEVICIUS, Lithuania; Iaroslav GADZALO and Oleh STASIV, Ukraine, Nazim GRUDA, Albania, Vasile BOTNARI, acad. Maria DUCA, Acad. Gheorghe DUCA, Mihail RAPCEA and Constantin DADU, Republic of Moldova; Evi ARACHOVITI from UK; Violeta BOZHANOVA, Vyara STEFANOVA, Bulgaria; Valeriu TABĂRĂ, Ioan JELEV, Aurel BADIU, Dumitru MILITARU, Marian BOGOESCU, Mihail COMAN, Nicole PETCULESCU, and Matilda CIUCĂ, Romania. Among the online participants we mention: Elena HORSKA, Slovakia; Acad. Baiba RIVZA, Latvia; Acad. Cristian HERA, Simone ORLADINI, Italy; Acad. Ervin BALÁZS, Hungary; Vilem PODRAZSKY, Czechia, Hojka KRAIGHER, Slovenia, Erik Willén, Sweden, Alexandru STRATAN, Eugenia COTENCO, Nicolae EREMIA, Eugen ALEXANDROV, Mihail MIHAILOV, Valerian BĂLAN, Republic of MOLDOVA.

The traditional Scientific Symposium associated with the UEAA General Assembly represents an expected event. Among the scientific works that have already been announced, we mention: “Does genome editing have a future in EU agriculture?” – authors: Catherine REGNAULT-ROGER, Alain TOPPAN et Michel THIBIER – French Academy of Agricultural Sciences; “The role of synthetic hexaploid wheat in winter wheat resistance to leaf rust at NARDI Fundulea” – authors: Matilda CIUCA, Alexandru DUMITRU, Alina TURCU, Laura CONTESCU, Daniel CRISTINA – National Agricultural Research-Development Institute – NARDI Fundulea; “Learning from hen’s physiology to improve the sustainability of egg production” – author: Michel DUCLOS – INRAE France; “Morphological variability and mineral composition of three garlic genotypes cultivated in Korça region, Albania” – authors: Pirro ICKA, Robert DAMO – University “Fan S. Noli” Korça, Albania, Nazim GRUDA – Academy of Science Albania; “Modern techniques for research and control of Orobanche cumana Wallr. in sunflowers” – author: Acad. Maria DUCA – Academy of Science Moldova; ”Genetically diverse landscapes require an integrated concept for conservation of genetic resources among domains” – authors: Hojka KRAIGHER, Danijela BOJKOVSKI, Gregor BOŽIČ, Andreja FERREIRA, Jelka Šuštar VOZLIČ, Marjana WESTERGREN – Slovenian Forestry Institute & Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; ”Digitalization of Latvian Agriculture as tool for agricultural progress, sustainability and competitiveness” – authors: Baiba RIVZA, professor, Aleksandrs JAROSLAVCEVS doctoral student, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences; ”Improving environmental and agronomic outcomes through targeted slurry/manure management: an English policy perspective” – authors: Angela BYWATER – University of Southampton, Richard GUETERBOCK – Foodchains, Trevena, Stockbridge, Evi ARACHOVITI, Martha HAYES – Innovation for Agriculture, RASE Centre; ”Sustainable forestry in Sweden supported by digitalization – operational experiences” – author: Erik WILLEN – StoraEnso AB. Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry; ”Better capitalization of the white sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) and blueberry fruits (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) as functional foods” – authors: Nicole PETCULESCU – Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti”, Gabriela VLĂSCEANU – Bioterra University of Bucharest.

As we mentioned, the event also includes an interesting site visit to one of the more than 60 representative research and development units in the agricultural research network of AAFS.

With this occasion we address a new call to all UEAA members Academies, to accept the invitation and participate at this important event, either physically or online, organized in Bucharest, Romania, by the “Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti” Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences.

We especially want to extend this warm invitation to young scientists to encourage cooperation between Youth Academies across Europe, particularly in the fields of agriculture, food and environment.

pdf Program of the XIIth General Assembly of the Scientific Symposium

pdf UEAA Steering Committee Agenda

pdf UEAA General Assembly Agenda

pdf Guidelines for UEAA Symposium writing papers