Steering Committee Zoom meeting Bucharest – after GA
19 12 2024
report On Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 18.00 a.m. Paris time, CET time
Bucharest, October 10th, 2024, h: 6 p.m.
- Organizational aspects
- President – Ioan Jelev (Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences)
- Vice-president – Nazim Gruda (Academy of Science of Albania)
- Kerstin Niblaeus (Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry)
- Michel Duclos (French Academy of Agriculture)
- Evi Arachoviti (Great Britain, Royal Agricultural Society of England/ Innovation for Agriculture)
- Vasile Botnari (Academy of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of Moldova)
- Violeta Bozhanova (Agricultural Academy of Bulgaria)
- Baiba Rivža (Latvia Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences)
- Simone Orlandini (Accademia dei Georgofili, Italy)
- Vilém Podrázský (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
- Hojka Kraigher (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Observer: Shamil Ibatullin (National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine).
Alumni member – Zenonas Dabkevičius (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
The following members requested to be excused early due to other commitments:
- Former President – Elena Horská (Slovak Academy of Agricultural Science)
- UEAA President’ Counselor – Michel Thibier (French Academy of Agriculture)
- Organizational aspects
The meeting started at 6 p.m.
The President, Prof. Ioan Jelev, welcomed and congratulated again the members of the new elected SC and announced the continuity of the UEAA web page asking new elected members to send their photo for updating it.
Also, the President outlined the question raised by Michel Duclos regarding the Abstract Competition, having in view that so far only 3 abstracts, all from Italy, were received and called all SC members to encourage the members of their academies, especially young researchers, to submit proposals, mentioning that the rules of the competition are posted on the UEAA website.
Another item was the UEAA Newsletter and President Jelev asked Vice-president Nazim to explore some of the colleagues and try, in the next 2-3 weeks, to put on the list the potential candidates who voluntarily wish to contribute to the upcoming newsletter issues. He added that the main idea of the Newsletter was to present papers about debated problems, as Gene editing and controversial problems.
A proposal for the Newsletter came from Michel Duclos, who said he can send an abstract regarding a very debated subject namely “artificial meat (cell based meat)”, prepared by one of his colleagues from French Academy of Agriculture and Evi Arachoviti added that they can contribute on this dialogue because they recently organized a webinar with farmers and advocates of the cultured meat, and it was interesting to see that there can be bridges, but it’s very debatable, there were very interesting insights.
Prof. Gruda suggested to follow, as a model, Frontiers in Science, in order to have a feedback from different countries and took the opportunity to ask all colleagues present if they had another topic that they would like to bring up and contribute to the monthly newsletter, noting that an email would be circulated asking to send their ideas.
Michel Duclos requested that the project plan of action for 2024-2026 to circulate to all members in order to start thinking to its objectives and Prof. Jelev said that it was also posted on the UEAA website.
After some discussion, it was agreed that the next SC meeting would take place in mid-December, at a date which will be established.
The newly elected president, Ioan Jelev, declared closed the work of the first UEAA SC, which took place immediately after the elections of the UEAA General Assembly in Bucharest, on October 10, 2024.