Steering Committee Zoom meeting Bucharest – before GA
19 12 2024
report On Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 10.15 a.m. Paris time, CET time
Attendees: Elena Horska, president (Slovak Academy of Agricultural Science), Ioan Jelev, vice-president (Romanian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences), Michel Thibier, UEEA President’s Counsellor (French Academy of Agriculture), Baiba Rivza (Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences), Kerstin Niblaeus (Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry), Evi Arachoviti (RASE/Royal Agricultural Society of England, Great Britain, Innovation for Agriculture), Simone Orlandini (vice-president of the Academy of Georgofili, Italy), Duclos Michel Jacques (French Academy of Agriculture), Nazim Gruda (Academy of Sciences of Albania), Vasile Botnari (Academy of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of Moldova), Vilém Podrázský (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences), Zenonas Dabkevičius (Lithuanian Academy of Siences), Shamil Ibatullin (Ukraine).
- Approval of the agenda
- Approval of the minutes of the 7 June 2024 meeting
- Approval of the changing of the Art. III.1 from the Current charter* – Prof. Michel THIBIER – UEEA President’s Counsellor, Prof. Nazim GRUDA
- Consultations concerning confirmations and/or proposals for new observer and full UEAA SC members
- Brief information about GA and Symposium meetings in Romania – Prof. Ioan JELEV
- Information about activities in the period June – September 2024 (Gene editing, other topics)
- Organization questions: – Next SC meeting (immediately after the UEAA GA)
- Close of the meeting.
#1. Approval of the agenda
President Elena Horská welcomed the participants of the SC meeting and asked for approval of the SC Agenda (see above). It was approved.
#2. Approval of SC meeting Minutes (June, 2024)
Minutes from SC meeting June 7, 2024 was approved.
#3. Approval of the changing of the Art. III.1 from the Current charter – Prof. Michel THIBIER – UEEA President’s Counsellor, Prof. Nazim GRUDA.
The changes have been introduced by prof. Nazim Gruda and discussed afterwards. Members of the SC felt necessary to make adjustments to the III.1 article of the Charter dedicated to the Steering Committee and regarding the number of SC members due the developments recorded at the level of UEAA activity in recent years, the need to reflect more accurately the current situation, to stimulate the involvement of member academies, but also of new academies, following the discussions within the Steering Committee. It was proposed to increase the number of UEAA SC members from a maximum of 9 to up to 12.
During the discussions, it was proposed to be introduce in the Minute, the following explanatory text regarding the provisions of the modified Art. III.1 of the UEAA Charter: For the first two times, when this new system will be implemented (2026, 2028 and the 4 remaining in 2030, and then on every second year) the 4 members to be renewed will be drawn.
Proposed changes have been approved by voting of all SC members. The new content of the UEAA Charter – CHANGING OF ART. III.1 IN UEAA CHARTER are available on UEAA website:
This agreement from the SC members will be transferred to the G A meeting for final approval and implementation.
#4. Consultations concerning confirmations and/or proposals for new observer and full UEAA SC members
Prof. Ioan Jelev asked to re-think the positions of UEAA SC members and observers, including personal requirements of current SC members.
Current and approved status of chairmanship is available at UEAA website:
In chairmanship there are currently the president, vice-president and past president plus 9 UEAA members, 3 observers and 1 consultant.
This agreement from the SC members will be transferred to the G A meeting for final approval and implementation.
#5. Brief information about GA and Symposium meetings in Romania – Prof. Ioan JELEV
As UEAA SC meeting was organized in hybrid mode in Bucharest prior to GA, prof. Ioan Jelev provided brief information about further program: General Assembly and scientific symposium.
#6. Information about activities in the period June – September 2024 (Gene editing, other topics)
Prof. Michel Thibier, UEEA President’s Counsellor, provided information on latest development in gene editing. His contribution and consequently paper presented during symposium have been of great importance for future of agriculture in Europe and SC UEAA has decided to publish it in the form of UEAA Motion About Gene Editing. UEAA motion is available here:
This agreement from the SC members will be transferred to the G A meeting for final approval and publication.
Kerstin Niblaeus informed on latest motion in topic of forestry.
#7. Organization questions: – Next SC meeting (immediately after the UEAA GA) – next UEAA SC meeting was organized immediately after GA meeting, chaired by the new UEAA president, prof. Ioan Jelev, former vice-president of UEAA.
#8. Close of the meeting (12:00 am)