
Full support to our Academician colleagues of Ukraine

24 03 2022

The President of UEAA and all colleagues from the Steering Committee wish to express to our colleagues, scientists and members of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences our full support during this so bad situation of the invasion of their country by the Russian invaders.

Welcoming speech of the President of UEAA at the Steering Committee meeting on March 11, 2022,
by Guram Aleksidze,


Welcome dear colleagues.

I would like first, in these difficult times in Ukraine, wish you all health and peace, which is so important today. I am glad that you are all well.

Let me share with you some of my thoughts about the terrible situation in Ukraine hoping the situation will change for better, so that we can all live in free and developed countries. It is very bad that the dark forces are doing everything they can to stop the progress of life and bring us back into the darkness – this is what we witness now in Ukraine. Dictators do not see that life goes on, that culture, sports and science develop; they want to stop the free development of human beings. What is their weapon? – brutal force, military dictatorship which they use against free world, and this time against Ukraine and which has been withstanding these barbaric attacks for almost 3 weeks now. Cities and villages are being destroyed; people are being killed, including civilians, women and children. Hospitals, kindergartens are bombed. In the 21st century, such barbarism is difficult to imagine.

The European countries and the United States of America apply all effort to stop this aggression, but to stop Russia, is obviously very difficult. What shall our countries do? collect humanitarian aid for Ukrainian people – medicine, clothes, food and money, all they are in need of.

The Union of our Academies has also taken steps, and all the academies within our system have confirmed their support to the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.
I suggest that on behalf of UEAA and as Steering Committee members of UEAA we all reiterate our full supports to the Ukrainian population and particularly our best wishes to our colleagues from the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

Motion moved by all members of the Steering Committee