Way of working
UEAA have a **general assembly **every second year. Normally the assembly lasts two days and consists of a formal part where the statutory decisions are being made and partly by a scientific activity in the form of a workshop or semnari. During day two the three is often arranged an excursion on a current scientific theme.
The year when an assembly isn´t held there is often a **scientific seminar **arranged. The general assembly or the steering committee decides on which topic to choose and where it should be.
UEAA is also through its **network **and vast knowledge a natural discussion partner for policy makers at national and EU level.
In 2016, the French Academy of Agriuculture (FAA) is organizing the meeting in Paris on 3 days:
1 The formal General Asembly will beheld in tuesday 11 October 2016 with some scientific and technical communications,
2. The scientific Colloquium of high level, so-called “European Colloqiuium of the Academies of Agriculture” which main thematic is : Science in agriculture: historical perspectives and prospective insights, 12 October 2016: three sessions of keynotes speakers.
3 Visit in the field: the region of Champagne, 13 October 2016