
Activities organized by the UEAA

UEAA contribution to the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture

Working Group of the UEAA on the CAP – Input to the Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture 1. Introduction and background The objectives laid out for the Common Agricultural Policy for the 2023-27 period, and for the Farm to Fork Strategy of the Green Deal are comprehensive and ambitious. They attract strong […]

L‘UEAA agit pour sauvegarder l’edition genomique indispensable pour developper une agriculture durable

L’UEAA constate que l’avis émis par la Cour de Justice de l’Union Européenne (CJUE) le 25/07/18 sur le statut de la mutagénèse met en péril l’utilisation, dans l’Union européenne, des nouvelles techniques de sélection des plantes (NPBT), dont l’édition génomique, en soumettant celles-ci à la même réglementation que celle des OGM issus de la transgénèse. […]

UEAA acts to safeguard plant genome editing which is essential to develop sustainable agriculture

UEAA acts to safeguard plant genome editing which is essential to develop sustainable agriculture
18 01 19

Invitation to the X General Assembly (GA) of The Union of European Academies for Science applied to agriculture, food and nature (ueaa) and scientific colloquium

November 22nd 11.00 – Steering Committee meeting (for Steering Committee members only) 14.00 – General Assembly meeting and Scientific Symposium Welcome address by President of Accademia dei Georgofili M. Vincenzini Tribute to G. Maracchi Opening Ceremony by the UEAA President, M. Thibier Part A. Administrative part: Election of the New President, Vice President and Steering […]

The UEAA Steering Committee meets in Brussels on 28 September 2017

The Committee will then meet with the EU Commissioner for Agriculture Ph Hogan. The point of discussion will concern the new C A P.

The UEAA Steering Committee meets in Brussels on 28 September 2017

   (precise place yet to be determined) 10.00 – 15.00 hrs And meeting with the EU Commissioner Ph Hogan (le Berlaymont)  Michel Thibier and G Maracchi, Co-Chairs A G E N D A   Welcome, Call to Order and appointment of a recording secretary. A-   Discussion about the future of the CAP in preparation to […]