

The 12th General Assembly of UEAA – Bucharest, Romania

THE 12TH UEAA GENERAL ASSEMBLY – BUCHAREST, ROMANIA, OCTOBER 10-11, 2024 Official invitation Guidelines for UEAA Symposium writing papers   Draft PROGRAM of the XII th General Assembly of the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA) and the associated Scientific Symposium 10-11 October 2024, Bucharest, ROMANIA   Date […]

Best Scientific Abstract Competition 2023 – results


On behalf of the Steering Committee and the UEAA President, we congratulate all the authors who participated in the 2023-2024 edition of the “Best Abstracts” competition.

Conference: Scientific Actualities and Innovations in Horticulture 2024

Registration to the 4th International Conference SAIH2024 is opened!

NGT: The European Parliament’s Environment Committee follows suite

NGT: The European Parliament’s Environment Committee follows suite: The vote cast on January 24 2024 gave 47 votes in favor of the proposed lighter regulations for certain categories of plants only, those known as NGT-1, against 31 votes in favor of maintaining the current regulations (Directive 2001/18) and 4 abstentions. For further information on the […]

Release of the book “Biotech Challenges” by Springer Nature (London) in January 2024

An English updated edition of the French book “Enjeux Biotechnologiques. Des OGM à l’édition du génome” (2022) by Professor emeritus C.Regnault-Roger, member of the French Academy of Agriculture.
SpringerLink – Biotech Challenges

INVITATION to International Scientific Days 2024 in Slovakia

Invitation to participate at the international scientific conference “International Scientific Days 2024”, organized at the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the Faculty of Economics and Management of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra and also at the occasion of the 100th  anniversary of the establishment of agricultural research in “Czechoslovakia”. Topic of […]

Collaborative Agreement between the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Albania

The Union of European Academies (UEAA) is pivotal in fostering bilateral exchanges among various European academies. On September 26, 2023, in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Academy of Sciences of Albania formalized their collaborative partnership through a momentous agreement. This accord reflects their commitment to enhancing research capacities and promoting knowledge […]


October 04-06, 2023, Tbilisi, Georgia organized by the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

The French Academy of Agriculture is an associated partner in the organization the World Congress on Animal Production 2023 (France)

The French Academy of Agriculture (AAF) is an associated partner in the organization of the WAAP -EAAP -Interbull conference, which will take place in Lyon August 2023 (eaap2023.org/).

Valedictory Session during SC meeting on March 17, 2023

During the Steering Committee Meeting on March 17, 2023 we thanked our colleagues, former UEAA Presidents, Prof. Michel Thibier (France) and prof. Guram Aleksidze (Georgia) for their many years of contribution to the development of UEAA. The vote of thanks was delivered by the Vice President of UEAA prof. Ioan Jelev (Romania). The President of […]

Official visit of the Academy of sciences of Albania delegation in Bucharest on 25-28 october 2022

The UEAA is involved directly and indirectly in an exchange between different academies. For example, the Academy of Sciences of Albania (ASA) participated in an official visit to Bucharest, invited by the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences of Romania (AAFS).

Official visit of the Academy of sciences of Albania delegation in Bucharest on 25-28 october 2022

Official visit of the Academy of sciences of Albania delegation in Bucharest on 25-28 october 2022

A century of plant breeding in Lithuania. Past and Present.

A century of plant breeding in Lithuania. Past and Present.

Session of the Academy of Agriculture of France with the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine

Paris, March 16, 2022

Address1 by Mrs Anush Balian Vice-President of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine.

Full support to our Academician colleagues of Ukraine

Welcoming speech of the President of UEAA at the Steering Committee meeting on March 11, 2022, by Guram Aleksidze,   Welcome dear colleagues. I would like first, in these difficult times in Ukraine, wish you all health and peace, which is so important today. I am glad that you are all well. Let me share […]

UEAA meets with the Innovation/ Biotechnology bureau of the EU Commission Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Santé)

COMMUNIQUE Following the UEAA Recommendations for an EU regulation frame concerning Genome Editing Research and Development for both Crop Plants and Farm Animals published by UEAA on 3 January 2022 and a letter from the President of UEAA to Commissioner Stella Kyriakides (DG Santé) on January 5, 2022, a meeting was organized between the team […]

The EC study on new genomic techniques

The eagerly awaited document : On 29 April 2021, the European Commission published a study regarding the status of New Genomic Techniques (NGT) under Union law.​

The EC study on new genomic techniques

EC study on new genomic techniques

The Vice President of the EU Commission Maroš Šefčovič’s letter

A letter to the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Afffairs providing some useful information about this study.

The Vice President of the EU Commission Maroš Šefčovič’s letter

A letter from the Vice President of the EU Commission Maroš Šefčovič

Press Release: European Commission recognizes that New Genomic Technologies products are in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal

Tbilisi, 4 May 2021 The UEAA welcomes the eagerly awaited note on the study of the E U Commission on New Genomic Techniques (N G T). https://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/gmo/modern_biotech/new-genomic-techniques_en In its UEAA Position Paper dated 5 November, it was concluded: “Noting that current regulations hinder public and private research from being applied to agriculture and the marketing […]

Webinar on “The major threat to the worldwide Pig industry : The African Swine Fever” on the 3 February 2021, 14:30-17:00

An interesting webinar on African Swine Fever is organized by both French Academies : Académie d’Agriculture de France and Académie Vétérinaire de France. Summary of this webinar is reported in the here below note. This webinar is now open for registrations: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TV8Gbe6PR0yEImi-gCEV_w To get more information, click on the here below link: https://www.academie-agriculture.fr/actualites/academie/seance/academie/limpact-de-la-peste-porcine-africaine-sur-lelevage-porcin-dans Summary of […]

15 th May 2019 – Will new plant breeding techniques have a future in the EU?

Here is some information about a seminar at the Swedish Academy for Agriculture that I think might interest you. It is about plant breeding and the new techniques and their future in the EU. It is on 15 May.

15 th May 2019 – Will new plant breeding techniques have a future in the EU?

As you can see it will be in English and it will be broadcasted on line. https://www.ksla.se/aktivitet/will-new-plant-breeding-techniques-have-a-future-in-the-eu/ https://www.ksla.se/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/2019-05-15-Invitation-to-New-plant-breeding-techniques.pdf

UNASA – opening of the 2019 Academic Year

On 31 Of May at the Accademia dei Concordi- ROVIGO Italy will take place the Open Cerimony of the Italian Union of Academies devoted to Agriculture, Food and Environments (UNASA). Professor Dario Casati -University of Milan, will give the lectio Magistralis “New technologies for agriculture: the role of innovation”.

Fascination of Plants Day – May 18th 2019

The role of plants in environmental conservation is a key message.

Fascination of Plants Day – May 18th 2019

The goal of the Fascination of Plants Day is to get as many people as possible around the world fascinated by plants and enthused about the importance of plant science for agriculture, in sustainability producing food, as well as for horticulture, forestry, and all of the non-food products such as paper, timber, chemicals, energy, and […]

The Future of The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Thoughts and Reflexion of the UEAA Steering Committee members – summaries from the delegations presented at the Committee meeting in Brussels (Belgium) 28 September 2017

Thoughts and Reflexion of the UEAA Steering Committee members – summaries from the delegations presented at the Committee meeting in Brussels (Belgium) 28 September 2017(PDF, 554 kB)

News from The steering Committe meeting in Brussels 28 September 2017

Slides from meeting: UEAA Czech Rep 2 20 9 17 UEAA Sept 2017 David Gardner French academy CAP proposals 18 9 17 UEAA Romania 26 9 17 UEAA_2 Sweden 19 9 17

Acte de colloque : The impact of agricultural science 1850-2016: from a gentleman’s amusement to the saviour or the world?

Contexte : Cet article est le texte d’une intervention effectuée lors du Colloque de l’Union européenne des Académies d’agriculture UEAA (présidence française) « Science in agriculture: historical perspectives and prospective insights – Science en agriculture, perspectives historiques et prospective », Académie d’agriculture de France, Paris, 12 octobre 2016. Résumé : Vers 1850, les sciences agronomiques se sont […]

Most interesting book from the World Organisation of Animal Health (OIE), just released : “Poor livestock producers, the environment and the paradoxes of development policies” by Dr J P Pradère

A superb book (102 pages, 117 references, 11 chapters, numerous tables,  figures and inserts in multicolors). Brilliant from the beginning to the end. Anyone having links with rural developments and livestock should at least read the most stimulating conclusion ” The paradoxes of development policies and the consequences of the marginalisation of poor farmers”. The OIE should be complemented to have supported such a study and report and congratulations to the author : great job“. MT.

Latest news from the Chairperson of the Electronic Working Group about the new UEAA commission: “agricultural education”

jp.bastie@mairie-luchon.fr  A reminder We remind you that at the last general meeting of October 11, 2016 in Paris, a new commission called “agricultural education” has been created. This commission will focus initially on technical agricultural education in order to produce a report on the various challenges that currently meet the farmers and particularly the young ones […]

News from the Académie d’Agriculture de France : our colleague observer at the UEAA steering committee, Dr Agnes Ricroch, is appointed as Secretary of Life Sciences Section of the French Academy of Agriculture.

Creation of a new commission: “agricultural education”

(see report of the General Assembly and of the Steering Committee reports
Paris, 11-12 October 2016)

A note from the Chairperson of this Electronic Working Group – J P Bastié (France)

News from the Académie d’Agriculture de France : our colleague observer at the UEAA steering committee, Dr Agnes Ricroch, is appointed as Secretary of Life Sciences Section of the French Academy of Agriculture.

jp.bastie@mairie-luchon.fr At the general meeting of October 11, 2016 in Paris, it was officially recorded the establishment of a commission “agricultural education”. This commission will focus initially on technical agricultural education, and the medium term objective,  would be to produce a report on the various challenges that currently meet the farmers and particularly the young […]