
News and comments from UEAA Members

New Genomic Techniques (NGT): Time has come to change the European regulation

While a debate is in progress at the European level about the genetically edited products, it is time for the French government to revise its positions and to adopt a point of view relying on a sound scientific basis., as here explained by Catherine Regnault Roger, professor emeritus at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour (E2S UPPA), member of the French Academy of Agriculture and of the National Academy of Pharmacy.

Genetically edited PLANT products and current review of European Regulations: WHAT SHOULD BE THE FRENCH POSITION?

New Genomic Techniques (NGT): Time has come to change the European regulation

New Genomic Techniques (NGT): Time has come to change the European regulation

Nanotechnology in agriculture: from nanomaterials to nanobiosensors

Nanotechnology is since years one of the most important areas of research and development worldwide being agriculture one of the application fields. NANOALB, the Albanian Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Unit next to the Academy of Sciences of Albania also considers agriculture a priority area for future applications and is trying to push the research in this direction that will be quite beneficial for the country, the quality of the agriculture products and their impact to the citizen’s life.

Nanotechnology in agriculture: from nanomaterials to nanobiosensors

Nanotechnology in agriculture: from nanomaterials to nanobiosensors

New Genomic Techniques (NGT): issues and agri-food sovereignty

In Institute Sapiens Report, 2022 by Professor C Regnault-Roger

New Genomic Techniques (NGT): issues and agri-food sovereignty

New Genomic Techniques (NGT): issues and agri-food sovereignty

What will fuel the farm vehicles of the future ? – Vision and Insight

A note from the Royal Agricultural Society of England.

What will fuel the farm vehicles of the future ? – Vision and Insight

This note refers to “The Farm of the Future” Report which was published by the Royal Agriculture Society of England in March 2022. Click here to find the link

International Scientific Conference with European Scientists organized by the Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA), and Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (GAAS)

International Scientific Conference „Agricultural mechanization and technology in europe and perspectives“ – Abstracts On May 27-28, 2022, Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences hosted an international scientific conference on “Agricultural Mechanization and Technology in Europe and Perspectives”. Conference organizers were: Union of European Academies for Science Applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA), and Georgian Academy […]

The UEAA Recommendations for an EU regulation frame concerning Genome Editing Research and Development for Crop Plants and Farm Animals

The Union of European Academies for Sciences applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA, Union Européenne des Académies d’Agriculture) : Taking into consideration the potential of New Breeding Techniques (NBT) such as Genome Editing (GE) to contribute to sustainable agri-food systems, and the UEAA conviction that European agriculture must rely on new technologies and innovation […]

UEAA meets with the « Forest Team » of the EU Commission Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG Agri)

On 30 November some representatives of the UEAA had a digital meeting with Alfonso Gutierrez and his colleagues who deal with forestry issues in the Directorate General for Agriculture in the Commission. The UEAA was represented by professor Vilém Podrázský from the Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, professor Bernard Roman-Amat from the French Academy of […]

A note on the Animal Welfare in the E U : the perspective of the Italian Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA)

The importance of using the ‘One welfare’ approach and a proposal for European future AW regulations.
A message from the Italian Academy dei Georgofili.
Documento ASPA sul benessere animale

A note on the Animal Welfare in the E U : the perspective of the Italian Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA)

Humans must safeguard animals and environment The concept of respect for animals is inherent in human nature and suggests that animals have an intrinsic value for humanity and the planet (UNESCO, 1978; Proctor, 2013). Humans have a responsibility towards all animals, wild and domestic (Webster, 1994), protecting them in whichever environment – to maintain the […]

Comment on the need to approve the use of Genome Editing for the genetic improvement of cultivated plants

UNASA Unione Nazionale delle Accademie per le Scienze Applicate allo Sviluppo dell’Agricoltura, alla Sicurezza Alimentare ed alla Tutela Ambientale Comment on the need to approve the use of Genome Editing for the genetic improvement of cultivated plants Today’s agriculture is facing the double challenge which can be summarized as: more production less input. This requires reaching […]

The prospects for digitalisation for the sustainable development of rural areas

A message from the Italian Academy dei Georgofili.

The prospects for digitalisation for the sustainable development of rural areas

The prospects for digitalisation for the sustainable development of rural areas

A letter from Commissioner STELLA KYRIAKIDES about Gene editing

A message from the French Veterinarian Academy through the French Academy of Agriculture.

A letter from Commissioner STELLA KYRIAKIDES about Gene editing

A letter from Commissioner STELLA KYRIAKIDES about Gene editing

Regulatory and Political Challenges of New Breeding Techniques by Catherine Regnault Roger

Regulatory and Political Challenges of New Breeding Techniques by Catherine Regnault Roger

Europe must make progress on animal genomic editing

Interview with J.P. Jégou, President of the French Veterinarian Academy.
A message from the French Veterinarian Academy through the French Academy of Agriculture.

Europe must make progress on animal genomic editing

Europe must make progress on animal genomic editing.” Interview with J.P. Jégou, President of the French Veterinarian Academy.

Major concern about African Swine Fever panzootic in Lithuania

Will the African Swine Fever Pandemic Be Stopped? African swine fever: risk, assessment, prevention, and disease control

Major concern about African Swine Fever panzootic in Lithuania

A message from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences

The corona pandemic as the KSLA fellows see it ; A synthesis of responses from fellows of the Swedish Academy for Agriculture regarding the corona pandemic and its consequences

The corona pandemic affects society as a whole and, to a large extent, the areal industries. The crisis brings with it a large portion of increased uncertainty for the future. In the longer term, we will need to reconsider our preparedness for crises. The fellows of the Academy have reflected on the consequences of the pandemic, especially for the green industries and what experiences we will bring with us for the future.

The corona pandemic as the KSLA fellows see it ; A synthesis of responses from fellows of the Swedish Academy for Agriculture regarding the corona pandemic and its consequences

In this very moment, we are in the middle of a second wave of spread of infection and the Swedish Public Health Agency emphasizes that we will have to live with restrictions for a longer period of time. Nor do we know what effects a future vaccine will have. In the short term, the situation […]

Swedish dialogue meeting” in preparation of the UN Summit Meeting on Global Foods Systems

Summary of the discussions during the Swedish national dialogue 25th of January 2021

Swedish dialogue meeting” in preparation of the UN Summit Meeting on Global Foods Systems

There was a great interest in participating and contributing to the discussions. Many of the participants had concrete suggestions and proposals. Several examples of how to tackle matters of importance in the food system were shared. Around 100 suggestions, comments and proposals were put forward and are currently being analysed by the organisers of the […]

Invitation to the international conference Rural Development to be held in Lithuania this autumn

See the two documents: Announcement Rural Development RD leaflet Rural Development

Invitation to the international conference Rural Development to be held in Lithuania this autumn

The organizing committee of this conference includes members of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The announcement of public information with the conference organizers, Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus university, is coordinated and all interested are invited to attend.

Cooperation of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Private Agricultural Companies

A communiqué from the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences
A good example of a successful joint venture between Public and Private interests.

Cooperation of Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Private Agricultural Companies

Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences has established close cooperation with Agricultural enterprises, companies, farms and individual farmers. The members of the Academy and a group of national coordinators of agricultural branches collaborate intensively with the abovementioned organizations. In the result, a variety of annual and perennial crops have been developed and scientifically substantiated at the […]


Action to support the agricultural world during this COVID-19 pandemic.


The Academy for post COVID19 – Anthology of innovations for agriculture (http://www.georgofili.it/sezioni/l-accademina-per-il-post-covid-antologia/50). The Accademia dei Georgofili has started a collection of innovations ready for transfer to farms. The goal is to support the agricultural world in this period of serious criticality due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You can find the description of the innovations, classified […]

Webinar on “Genome editing and the Farm to Fork strategy”

26 January 2021, 10:30-12:00

Message from the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
(15 January 2021)

Webinar on “Genome editing and the Farm to Fork strategy”

The European Parliament webinar mentioned in the below e-mail is now live and open for registrations: https://together.eu/event/genome-editing-and-the-farm-to-fork-strategy-2021-01-26-59/register?fbclid=IwAR1-DfeLsK-3qLHSkimoj3GuUSe-CfmrLVx9OuAlsGvYy37OijVEIufHtG0 Please feel free to forward this link to your contacts and networks. Also, the article that provides the analysis to be presented and discussed at the webinar is now published: The Status under EU Law of Organisms Developed […]

A resolution from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (member of UEAA) on Gene Editing : challenges and possibilities

Regarding the legal regulation of the genome editing technology.

A resolution from the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (member of UEAA) on Gene Editing : challenges and possibilities

 Resolution of the conference-discussion “Genome editing: challeges and possibilities” (PDF, 1 MB)

Covid-19 and agriculture

An opportunity for the agricultural and food transition?
Michel Dron and Philippe Kim-Bonbled Eds.,
Presse des Mines, Paris, France -SBN : 978-2-35671-Price : 25 euros – Format : 16×24 Number of pages : 358.

Covid-19 and agriculture

This book results from the contribution of more than 60 members of the French Academy of Agriculture who interacted in a digital forum for more than three months before publishing it in late September 2020. Summary Shaking up our scientific knowledge in terms of virology and epidemiology, the Covid-19 pandemic has caused a global lockdown […]

The Romanian Academy of Agricuture and Forestry supports the UEAA Position Paper regarding the Genome Editing Biotechnologies and UEAA calls for a new EU Regulation

16.01.2020 The Position of the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences ”Gheorghe Ionescu-Șișești”, Romania, regarding the Genome Editing Biotechnologies and UEAA calls for a new EU Regulation Thanks for the Gene Editing and New EU Regulations document which was sent to us on October 31st 2020, regarding the need to regulate a genetic editing procedure […]

The French Academie d’Agricuture launches a survey on the food system and its transition related to CAP

Please feel free to respond to Professeur Nadine Vivier Nadine.Vivier@univ-lemans.fr.

Questions to members of European Agriculture Academies, see the three questions here below.

The French Academie d’Agricuture launches a survey on the food system and its transition related to CAP

Context The Agriculture Academy of France (section of Social Science and section of agriculture policy) launches a survey about the food system and its transition in relation to CAP. After the Etats généraux de l’alimentation (EGA) which took place in France last fall, the government and Parliament want to “Promote healthy food choices that respect […]

The International Association of Agriculture Museums

The International Association of Agriculture Museums (AIMA) gathers museum professionals, historians, ethnographers and researchers from around the world to share best practice on preserving and presenting agricultural artifacts, in order to develop engaging visitor experiences and promote ongoing research to support agricultural and rural life museums, living history parks and farming centres. The purpose of […]

A note from the International Association for Agricultural Museums, AIMA

Dear friends This interesting association tries to make a updated survey of where are the museums involved with agriculture and rural life as well as Ethnography and rural life in heritage in each country. May we ask you to help this AIMA to know if such museums are in your country and who are the […]

60th anniversary of the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences

​Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences has passed a long and reputable path which determined the steady development of Georgian agriculture. The Academy took active part in planning and management of the field, enhancement of technology, growth of production and resource potential, and extension of production. ​Georgian Academy was founded on December 12, 1957. Initially it […]

Opportunities and Challenges for Research on Food and Nutrition Security and Agriculture in Europe

National academies of science have a long tradition of engaging widely to strengthen the evidence base to underpin the delivery of enhanced food and nutrition security at regional and national levels. EASAC, the European Academies Science Advisory Council, has produced this report for European audiences as a contribution to a project worldwide initiated by IAP, […]

The Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) project meeting in Bucharest

On Monday, 16th and Tuesday, 17th October 2017, the Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) meeting took place at the headquarters of the Academy of Technical Sciences in Romania (ASTER). SAPEA is a consortium of European Academy Networks within the European Commission’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (SAM), which provides timely, independent and evidence-based scientific […]

Variety, Properties and Productive Potential of Soils in Ukraine : an original paper sent from the National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine : 8 11 17

1National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine
2National Scientific Center “Institute for Soil Science and Agrochemistry Research named after O.N. Sokolovsky”
e-mail: inter.naas@gmail.com

Variety, Properties and Productive Potential of Soils in Ukraine : an original paper sent from the National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine : 8 11 17

Introduction. Due to the closeness of Soviet society in the times of the USSR, information about natural resources of Ukraine was little known in other countries of the world. For example, only 88 soil profiles from the territory of Ukraine were used for the Soil Grids map developed by International Soil Reference and Information Centre […]

Message from France about the new European Joint Program (EJP)

The “One Health Program” of research selected by the European Commission and begins on 1st January 2018

Message from France about the new European Joint Program (EJP)

One Health EJP EUROPEAN JOINT PROGRAMME (EJP) ON FOODBORNE ZOONOSES, ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE AND EMERGING THREATS The One Health concept recognizes that the human health is tightly connected to the health of animals and the environment, i.e. that animal feed, human food, animal and human health and environmental contamination are closely linked. The study of infectious […]

Viticulture and Wine making in European countries – Historical aspects and prospects

A very successful International Conference at the Georgian Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
October 25-27 2017, Tbilisi, Georgia

Viticulture and Wine making in European countries – Historical aspects and prospects

On October 25-27, 2017 an international scientific conference “Viticulture and winemaking in European countries, historical aspects and perspectives” was held at the Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Georgia. The financial support of the conference was implemented by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The aim of this International Scientific Conference was to review the current situation […]

Latvian academy of agricultural and forestry sciences participation field trials and laboratory experiment events

Every year in the summer moths Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (LAAFS) participates in field trials and laboratory experiment events, in which the scientific institutions of agriculture and forest science throughout Latvia are surveyed. During this time LAAFS representatives, along with colleagues from the scientific institutes, listen to reports from research institutions on […]

Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences (LAAFS) participated in International Conference ERA NET Project Sumforest in Barcelona

On October 19 the LLMZA President prof. Baiba Rivža participated in International Conference ERA NET project Sumforest in Barsalona ‘’Bridging research, policy and practice for sustainable forest management’’. Prof. B. Rivža participated in the Strategic working group SCAR on the future of research and innovation in the forestry sector.   Image:

Latvian academy of agricultural and forestry sciences (LAAFS) congratulates the “Sower 2017” laureates

On Friday ,October 13, in Cultural Palace “Ziemeļblāzma”, the Agriculture Minister Jānis Dūklavs and senior officials of the country welcomed the “Sower 2017” winners and promotion prize receivers from beneficiaries – farmers, including young farmers, food producers, as well as scientists. LAAFS President Prof. Baiba Rivža welcomed the “Sower 2017” winner and promotion prize winners […]

The French opinion on the Regulation of Targeted Mutagenesis in Plant Breeding

Opinion adopted by the Academy of Agriculture of France and the Academy of Technology on July 7, 2016

The French opinion on the Regulation of Targeted Mutagenesis in Plant Breeding

The french opinion on targeted mutagenesis(PDF, 55 kB)

MarshalLing knowledge in the service of development

A note on the InterAcadeMic Group for Development (GID : www.g-i-d.org ) In marshalling knowledge in the service of development, the GID promotes one of the UN’s Millenium Development Goals, namely Bridging the gap between scientific output and the needs of the stakeholders.   From Dr J Brulhet, French  Secretary of G I D   […]

My capsules of the PAC: About the scientific enlightened despotism

Last October, I had the opportunity to attend the meeting of Union of European Academies for Sciences applied to Agriculture, Food and Nature (UEAA). The second day was entirely devoted to a seminar on “Science and Agriculture, historical evolution and prospects”. Among other things, Paul Brassley, from the University of Exeter, addressed the issue of […]

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